#5: Got Milk? The Global Supply Chain of Arla Foods with COO Sami Naffakh

22 Okt. 2019

In dieser Episode zu Gast

Sami Naffakh
Sami Naffakh
Chief Operating Officer
and Global Head of Supply Chain

Arla Foods


Sami Naffakh, the Chief Operating Officer and Global Head of Supply Chain at Arla Foods is our guest on the BVL.digital Podcast today. Based in Denmark, Arla has grown into one of the largest dairy companies in the world, serving customers in markets as far away as Nigeria, China, Bangladesh Indonesia or Australia.
In this English episode of the podcast, our host Boris Felgendreher talks to Sami about a number of topics, including:

  • Sami’s career from a local plant manager at Unilever to the executive boardroom at Arla Foods
  • The rapid shifts and changes in the global food and dairy industry
  • How Arla manages its ambitious global expansion into new markets
  • What technologies are vital to running a global supply chain and logistics operation? And why Arla is opting for a fast-follower strategy when it comes to technology adoption
  • Where we are on having end-to-end visibility and traceability of the supply chain
  • The impact of the dairy industry on the environment
  • What Arla is doing to become a more sustainable business
  • and much more

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